Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Alternative Analysis

While planning, one can find different ways to achieve the goal or carrying out an activity. Alternative Analysis technique is one of the ways to get resources in different ways to accomplish the activities. For example: different skills, different configuration of machines, automation, outsourcing, etc…

Alternative Analysis is the technique used under the process Estimate Activity Resources process.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Leads and Lags

Lead is advancing an activity and Lag is delaying an activity. This technique is used while planning when we are constructing the network diagram using by considering the dependencies. Also this technique is used during Monitoring and Controlling to bring the project on track by adjusting Lead and Lag.

Suppose you want to reach office 9 in the morning. Every day it may take about an hour to reach. So usually you start at 8 in the morning. But let us you know that tomorrow there is a blockage of road due to some rally in the usual route, you need to take alternative route. But it takes more time. So what you do? Instead of starting at 8 in the morning, you plan to start at may be 7.30 in the morning. This half an hour is called lead. You are advancing an activity.

Lag is waiting period between two activities. Once you construct ground floor, you need to wait for two days before starting the first floor. This waiting period which is 2 days is called lag.

Lead and Lag technique is used under processes like Sequence Activities, Develop Schedule and Control Schedule processes.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dependency Determination

There are four types of dependencies to be considered while considering the sequencing namely Mandatory, Discretionary, External and Internal.

Mandatory: It is the used when it is inherent to the nature. For example construction of the wall depends on finishing of the foundation. You can’t think of the other way. This is also called as hard logic.

Discretionary: In the situation there are some activities which can be carried out either way based on the logistics availability or based on the best practices. It is based on the preference. This is also called as preferred or soft logic. For example if you want to provide the training to the operation team about the project, the training can happen after the transition or before the transition. The training can be imparted based on the logistics availability and the people.

External: This is nothing but where you are dependent on the external environment or element where you don’t have any control. For example, approval from the government organization or materials from the vendor.

Internal: Here the dependency is within the project. For example funding, resource availability, etc…

Dependency Determination technique is used under the process Sequence Activities.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

PDM is used to construct the schedule model based on the logical relationship of the activities within the project. One of the methods used under diagramming method is Activity on Node or AON. The activities are represented within the nodes and the arrow shows the relationship between the activities. One more method under diagramming method is Activity on Arrow (AOA). Here the arrow represents the activity.

There are four types of relationships used when constructing schedule model using Precedence Diagramming Method.

Finish to Start (FS): Starting of an activity depends on the finishing of the previous activity. For example starting of the second shift depends on finishing of the first shift.

Start to Start (SS): Starting of an activity depends on the starting of the other activity. Here two activities run in parallel. For example starting of the training depends on starting of the assembly of the delegates. Here I am assuming trainer need not to wait for all the delegates to come. Even one delegate is enough to start the training.

Finish to Finish (FF): Finishing of an activity depends on finishing of the other activity. Again here two activities run in parallel. For example finishing of project closing depends on finishing of lessons learned documentation. Lessons learned activity might have started earlier itself, but by the time project closing finishes lessons learned should finish or at the same time.

Start to Finish (SF): Finishing of an activity depends on starting of the other activity. For example the finishing of first shift depends on starting of the second shift.

SF is very rarely used and FS is frequently used.

Also AOA is outdated. AOA can’t use all the four types of relationships. It can use only FS relationship whereas AON uses all the four types of relationships.

Precedence Diagramming Method technique is used under the process Sequence Activities.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rolling Wave Planning

It is a technique which is used when the things are not so clear in the beginning of the project. As we progress the clarity will be better. Rolling Wave Planning technique is like iterative approach. The work to be carried out in the near future will be planned in detail and the work to be carried out later stages will be planned at a very high level. As we approach nearer to the later work will plan in detail. It is form of progressive elaboration.

Rolling Wave Planning technique is used under Define Activities process.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Variance Analysis

Variance Analysis technique is used to find the causes why we are deviating from the scope of the work by comparing the scope baseline which consists of Project Scope Statement, WBS and WBS dictionary with the actual performance. This variance analysis helps in recommending corrective and preventive actions.

Variance Analysis technique is used under the process Control Scope process.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Inspection is a technique to whether the output of the project/deliverable is meeting requirements/expectation. It is also called as reviews, audit, testing, walkthrough, etc…

Inspection is used as technique under Control Quality and Validate Scope processes. Also it is used under Control Procurement process with technique name as Inspections and Audits. But in general Inspection to be carried out throughout the project as part of Monitoring and Controlling process group as per the plan.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Decomposition is a technique used to divide the scope and or the deliverable in to small components where one should be able to manage it. When we divide the scope, we arrive at the work package. Work package is the lowest level of work breakdown structure. Further this work package will be decomposed to activity level.

Now the question is what is the meaning of manage? Manage means one should be able to estimate for schedule, cost and track the same. So the level of decomposition differs from project to project based on complexity in terms of effort. Typically 8/80 rule is used in general. The meaning of this is no work package should be less than 8 hours and no work package should be greater than 80 hours. So divide the scope in such a way that the work package should be in the range of 8 hours to 80 hours.

Decomposition can be done using box type or using tools like MS Project. Engineering projects uses ISO standards for decomposition. It is organization specific.

Decomposition technique is used under two processes. One in Create WBS and the other is Define Activities.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Alternative Generations

This technique is used to identify how better we can produce the project objectives. Some of the techniques under this are brainstorming which leads to ideas, lateral thinking, out of box thinking. For example Automation is one of the ways to execute project in a better way which may save time.

Alternative Generations technique is used under process Define Scope.

Product Analysis

This technique is used whenever the project output is product. Product Analysis can be requirements analysis, Value analysis, value engineering, product breakdown structure which results in tangible output or deliverable.

Product Analysis technique is used under process Define Scope.

Document Analysis

By analyzing the existing documents one can extract lot of information or requirements. To mention a few documents business plans, drawings, issue log, policy docs, law, regulatory documents, technical documents, RFP’s, use cases, etc…

Document Analysis technique is used under process Collect Requirements.

Context Diagrams

This technique is a visual representation which shows the interaction between the business system and the user. The business system can be process, device or equipment. The person (user) who interacts with the system will be called as “Actor”. Actor provides the input to the system and the system throws the output. This output will become the information for the Actor for further analysis.

For example, as an user (Actor) I want to know my Body Mass Index (BMI). I will provide the input, to system which can be a simulator, the height and weight. The system throws the output which is BMI. Using this BMI, I will decide what action should be taken. Either increase weight or decrease weight.

Context Diagrams is used under the processes Collect Requirements.