Thursday, December 31, 2015

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis technique is used to see the benefit we can get after investing the money. This technique can be used during initialization to check is it worth to invest by calculating the return as part of business case and or can be for improving the quality while considering the cost of quality.

For example what can be the reduction in the defect, how much of network downtime can be reduced, how much of wastage or scrapping of the raw materials can reduced etc… We know that as the quality increases the cost also increases. But in the end we need to see is it worth for the investment so as to get the benefit.

Cost Benefit Analysis technique is used under the process Plan Quality Management.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

TCPI is to calculate the cost performance to be achieved in order to meet the project goals. The ratio of remaining work to be completed with remaining budget provides the TCPI.

To calculate TCPI first we need to calculate the EVM and then based on AC, EV, we can calculate TCPI. TCPI is calculated under two conditions one with original budget and the second with new budget.

TCPI=(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC)—With planned budget

TCPI=(BAC-EV)/(EAC-AC)—With new budget

The ratio should be ideally 1. If it greater than 1, then difficult to complete and if less than 1 easier to complete.

TCPI is used as a technique under the process Control Costs.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Forecasting is to predict the future condition of the project by comparing the progress of the project and with what we planned. By using Forecasting technique one can arrive at three parameters namely Estimate At Completion (EAC), Estimate To Complete (ETC) and Variance At Completion (VAC).

EAC is nothing but how much money required to complete the entire project. This is as good as new BAC which is Budget At Completion.

ETC is how much more money required to complete the remaining work.

VAC is what is difference between or the variance between original budget and the new budget. This can be surplus or deficit.

Here are different formulas used to calculate EAC, ETC and VAC




There are four different variants to calculate EAC

1. EAC=BAC/CPI—This is used if the current variances or the rate of spending of money remains same

2. EAC=AC+BAC-EV—This is used if the estimation has become abnormal for the work so far it is carried out and the remaining work will continue at the same budgeted rate.

3. EAC=AC+ETC— This is used when the estimation for the remaining work no longer exists and the new estimation to be carried out for the remaining work. ETC is nothing but remaining work which can be derived using bottom up estimation.

4. EAC=AC+((BAC-EV)/SPI*CPI)—This is used considering both the schedule and cost which can influence the remaining work.

To calculate the forecasting first we need to complete the Earned Value Management where we can obtain the parameters AC, PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI and CPI.

Forecasting technique is used under the process Control Costs.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Earned Value Management

Earned Value Management is a technique used to compare the progress of the project with respect to cost and or schedule baseline. This technique is used to measure the progress at any convenient point during the project. The key parameters that are measured are Planned Value, Actual Cost and Earned Value.

Planned Value (PV) is the amount of work that should be done as on day

Earned Value (EV) is the amount of work that has been accomplished as on day

Actual Cost (AC) is the cost which is incurred as on day to accomplish the work.

Using these parameters one can calculate the variances namely schedule variance (SV) and cost variance (CV) and the performance indices Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI).


Ideally SV & CV should be zero and SPI & CPI should be 1.

If SV is negative then the project behind the schedule and if SV is positive then the project is ahead of the schedule. Similarly, if SPI is less than 1, then the project behind the schedule and if SPI is greater than 1, then the project is ahead of the schedule.

If CV is negative then the project over budget and if CV is positive then the project is under the budget. Similarly, if CPI is less than 1, then the project over budget and if CPI is greater than 1, then the project is under the budget.

Earned Value Management technique is used under the process Control Costs.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Funding Limit Reconciliation

Some times in the project the sponsor might have already decided about what is the overall budget of the project. As a project manager once you determine the budget and when you compare planned budget with the budget decided or allocated, if it exceeds the allocated, then you need to re-plan may be by re-considering the scope or increase the allocated budget itself in approval with sponsor. This is called Funding Limit Reconciliation. In simple sentence it is nothing but reconciling or reworking the budget based on the limitation of the funding availability.

Funding Limit Reconciliation technique is used under the process Determine Budget.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Historical Relationship

While estimating or predicting the budget of the project one can refer the historical data and the other mathematical model which is covered through analogous and parametric estimation techniques. By calculating using these techniques the accuracy and the cost will vary and reliable on the historical information used to develop accuracy, parameters used for the quantification, scalability, complexity of the projects etc..

For example the cost for a particular resource with particular skills set is so much of dollar. Or per square feet with specific material will cost $X, etc… These parameters can be used to develop or predict the project budget.

Historical Relationship technique is used under the process Determine Budget.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cost Aggregation

Cost Aggregation technique is used to sum of all the costs to be incurred for the entire project as part of the panning. Activities costs aggregated to work package cost. Work packages costs are aggregated to control account cost. Control accounts costs aggregated to project cost. It is similar to bottom up estimating.

Cost Aggregation technique is used under the process Determine Budget.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Vendor Bid Analysis

Vendor Bid Analysis technique is used to analyze the bidding prices received from qualified or potential sellers which in turn will be helpful for estimating the cost at the activity level and the overall budget of the project.

Vendor Bid Analysis is used under the process Estimate Costs process.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Cost of quality

Cost of quality includes the project and the product life cycle cost which are attributed because of the quality. There are two parameters under Cost of Quality. One is Cost of Conformance and second is Cost of non-conformance. Cost of conformance is to prevent the defects and cost of non- conformance is because of the defects. Cost of non-conformance is also called as cost of poor quality.

Examples for cost of conformance are training, testing, documentation, reviews, etc.. which help in preventing the defects.

Examples for cost of non-conformance are rework, wastages or scrapping of materials, warranty cost, business loss.

Cost of Quality technique is used under the processes Estimate Costs and Plan Quality Management.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Project Management Software

The tool helps in tracking the progress of the project with respect to schedule, effort and cost. The actual measurement is compared with the baselines like schedule and cost baselines. From this,variation and forecasting can be found out. This will help in recommending corrective and preventive actions.

Project Management Software tool is used under the processes Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Costs, Control Schedule and Control Costs processes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Performance Reviews

When the project is progressing we need to measure, compare and take or recommending necessary actions like corrective and preventive actions if the progress is not as per the expectation. Performance reviews technique helps in carrying out this activity. The outcome can be Schedule and cost variance, remaining duration left out, etc…

Performance Reviews can be carried out using Trend analysis, Critical path method, Critical chain method and Earned value management.

Performance Reviews used under the processes Control Schedule and Control Costs.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Scheduling tool

Scheduling tool is to estimate, plan, controlling and generating reports about the project progress. This can be manual or automated based on industry practices and culture. It can be used to generating start and end dates of the activities and project, network diagrams, resources, etc…

Scheduling Tool is used as a technique under the processes Develop Schedule and Control Schedule.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Schedule Compression

Schedule Compression technique is used to shorten the duration of the project, of course, without reducing the scope of the work. After planning considering resources, duration, effort, etc, let us say the duration is coming to one year. But you management is saying that the project needs to be completed in 10 months. What you will do? Yes, you can add resources or see the possibilities of carrying out activities in parallel. So there are two techniques under Schedule Compression. One is Crashing and second is Fast Tracking.

Crashing is nothing but adding the resources. The impact is it increases the cost and or risk.

Fast tracking is carrying out activities in parallel. But this technique results in quality reduction, rework and increases the risk.

Crashing and Fast tracking should be applied to critical path activities. Then only it makes sense.

Schedule Compression technique is used under the processes Develop Schedule and Control Schedule.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Modeling Techniques

Modeling Techniques is used to estimate and or predict the future schedule by considering different possibilities. Examples of Modeling Techniques are What-If Scenario Analysis and Simulation.

What-If Scenario Analysis is used to evaluate the different scenarios to see the effect on project objectives like schedule. For example what happens if a particular resource is not available, what happens if a vendor is not going to deliver the raw materials on time, what happens if a particular work package postponed to later date… The outcome can be used to assess and take future action like parking the contingency.

Simulation is used to get the probability distribution using different techniques like PERT. The most widely used tool is called Monte Carlo analysis.

Modeling Techniques is used under the processes Develop Schedule process, Control Schedule and Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Resource Optimization Techniques

Resource Optimization Techniques are used to adjust project schedule by utilization the resources optimally. There are two techniques under this, Resource leveling and Resource smoothing.

Resource leveling is used based on the availability of resources, resource usage. This will ensure full utilization of the resources. The result of the resource leveling usually is critical path changes.

Resource smoothing adjusts activities in such a way resources do not exceed predefined resource limits. This will not impact critical path but the activities in the non-critical path may be delayed by consuming the total float.

Resource Optimization Techniques is used under the processes Develop Schedule process and Control Schedule.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Critical Chain Method

Critical Chain Method allows buffers to be added due to limited or constraint in the resources and project uncertainties. Three kinds of buffers are used, project buffer, feeding buffer and resource buffer. Project buffer is added at the end of critical chain to avoid slippage in the project schedule or the customer committed date. Feeding buffer is added to the non-critical paths which are converging to the critical path. Resource buffer are used for flexibility.

Critical Chain Method is used in Develop Schedule process.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Critical Path Method

Critical Path Method is the longest duration path in a given network or the minimum time that is required to complete the project. This method is used to find the duration of the project. Here are the steps to find the critical path.

1. Draw the network diagram based on the dependencies of the activities.

2. Find the number of the paths from the network diagram. Number of paths means the paths which are traversing from start of the project to the end of the project.

3. Find the duration of each path by adding the duration of all the activities from the respective path.

4. The highest duration path is the critical path. And this itself is the duration of the project.

After finding the critical path one can find the total float or slack. Total float is nothing but how much an activity can be delayed without affecting the overall schedule of the project or the immediate start of the successor activity. How to calculate the total float? You need to follow two steps. One is forward pass and the second is backward pass. Forward pass is moving from start of the project by adding the duration of each of the activity and backward pass is moving from end of the project to the start of the project by subtracting the duration of each activity. After carrying out these steps you will find four values Early Start (ES), Early Finish (EF), Late Start (LS) and Late Finish (LF).

EF=ES + duration of the activity LS=LF - duration of the activity

Calculate total float using the formula

Total Float=LS-ES or LF-EF

The critical path activities will be always having zero total float whereas non critical path activities will be having float.

Critical Path method is used in Develop Schedule process.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Schedule Network Analysis

Schedule Network Analysis technique is used to develop schedule model. Under this we can use different technique like Critical Path, Critical Chain, resource optimization to calculate early start, early finish, late start and late finish activities.

Schedule Network Analysis is used under Develop Schedule process.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Reserve Analysis

During the estimation based on the uncertainties in the project one should park extra duration and or money which we call it as buffer. This is also called as reserves. There are two types of reserves: one is Contingency reserve and the second is Management reserve. Contingency reserve is based on “known unknown” and Management reserve is “unknown unknown”.

Contingency reserve can be derived based on quantitative risk analysis or based on standard deviation method or using organizational practices by putting some percentages.

Management reserve will be under management control and again this is derived based on unforeseen things which may happen to the project considering experience, historical data, contract terms and conditions, enterprise environmental factors, etc…

Reserve Analysis technique is used under the processes Estimate Activity Duration, Estimate Costs, Control Costs and Control Risks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Three Point Estimating

To improve the estimation accuracy instead of considering only one value we can consider three values. This will cover most of the uncertainties. Three Point Estimating considers three values namely: Most likely or realistic value, Pessimistic or the worst value and Optimistic or the Best value. Depending on the distribution we use either of the below formula.

(P+4M+O)/6 which is Beta distribution or (P+M+O)/3 which is Triangular distribution.

Beta distribution is the weighted average which is also called as PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique).

Under the PERT one can derive the standard deviation and variance.Standard Deviation for an activity is (P-O)/6 and Variance is Standard deviation Square.

Three Point Estimating technique is used under the processes Estimate Activity Duration and Estimate Costs.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Parametric Estimating

Parametric Estimating is based on both historical data and the mathematical approach considering different variables. For example, 10 machines to be installed. To install one machine it takes one day. For 10 machines it may take approximately 10 days. One machine one day is the historical data and the calculation for 10 machines 10 days is mathematical model. So here we are considering both historical and mathematical approach unlike Analogous estimating where we consider only historical data. This technique provides higher level of accuracy.

Parametric Estimating technique is used under processes Estimate Activity Duration, Estimate Costs processes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Analogous Estimating

Analogous Estimating technique is used for estimating duration, cost based on the previous similar projects data which is historical data. The word analogy means history. Even though this technique is less accurate, it is less time consuming and less costly.

Analogous Estimating technique is used under processes Estimate Activity Duration, Estimate Costs processes.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Bottom-Up Estimating

This estimation technique is used to aggregate the duration or cost from the lower level of the WBS structure. Individual activities aggregated to work packages. If it is difficult to estimate at activity level then further the activity is decomposed to more detail. And estimation is done at these detail level and aggregated to activity level.

Bottom-Up Estimating is the most accurate estimation technique but is time consuming.

Bottom-Up Estimating technique is used under the processes Estimate Activity Resources and Estimate Costs.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Published Estimating Data

This is the database maintained by organization about the unit price and production rates for resources which includes man, machine and material considering different geographical locations. Using this data one can estimate the budget and the resources required to execute the project. This database will be routinely updated by the organization.

For example, for a particular human resource with specific skill and experience what he/she may charge in a specific country?

Published estimating Data is the technique used under the process Estimate Activity Resources process.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Alternative Analysis

While planning, one can find different ways to achieve the goal or carrying out an activity. Alternative Analysis technique is one of the ways to get resources in different ways to accomplish the activities. For example: different skills, different configuration of machines, automation, outsourcing, etc…

Alternative Analysis is the technique used under the process Estimate Activity Resources process.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Leads and Lags

Lead is advancing an activity and Lag is delaying an activity. This technique is used while planning when we are constructing the network diagram using by considering the dependencies. Also this technique is used during Monitoring and Controlling to bring the project on track by adjusting Lead and Lag.

Suppose you want to reach office 9 in the morning. Every day it may take about an hour to reach. So usually you start at 8 in the morning. But let us you know that tomorrow there is a blockage of road due to some rally in the usual route, you need to take alternative route. But it takes more time. So what you do? Instead of starting at 8 in the morning, you plan to start at may be 7.30 in the morning. This half an hour is called lead. You are advancing an activity.

Lag is waiting period between two activities. Once you construct ground floor, you need to wait for two days before starting the first floor. This waiting period which is 2 days is called lag.

Lead and Lag technique is used under processes like Sequence Activities, Develop Schedule and Control Schedule processes.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dependency Determination

There are four types of dependencies to be considered while considering the sequencing namely Mandatory, Discretionary, External and Internal.

Mandatory: It is the used when it is inherent to the nature. For example construction of the wall depends on finishing of the foundation. You can’t think of the other way. This is also called as hard logic.

Discretionary: In the situation there are some activities which can be carried out either way based on the logistics availability or based on the best practices. It is based on the preference. This is also called as preferred or soft logic. For example if you want to provide the training to the operation team about the project, the training can happen after the transition or before the transition. The training can be imparted based on the logistics availability and the people.

External: This is nothing but where you are dependent on the external environment or element where you don’t have any control. For example, approval from the government organization or materials from the vendor.

Internal: Here the dependency is within the project. For example funding, resource availability, etc…

Dependency Determination technique is used under the process Sequence Activities.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

PDM is used to construct the schedule model based on the logical relationship of the activities within the project. One of the methods used under diagramming method is Activity on Node or AON. The activities are represented within the nodes and the arrow shows the relationship between the activities. One more method under diagramming method is Activity on Arrow (AOA). Here the arrow represents the activity.

There are four types of relationships used when constructing schedule model using Precedence Diagramming Method.

Finish to Start (FS): Starting of an activity depends on the finishing of the previous activity. For example starting of the second shift depends on finishing of the first shift.

Start to Start (SS): Starting of an activity depends on the starting of the other activity. Here two activities run in parallel. For example starting of the training depends on starting of the assembly of the delegates. Here I am assuming trainer need not to wait for all the delegates to come. Even one delegate is enough to start the training.

Finish to Finish (FF): Finishing of an activity depends on finishing of the other activity. Again here two activities run in parallel. For example finishing of project closing depends on finishing of lessons learned documentation. Lessons learned activity might have started earlier itself, but by the time project closing finishes lessons learned should finish or at the same time.

Start to Finish (SF): Finishing of an activity depends on starting of the other activity. For example the finishing of first shift depends on starting of the second shift.

SF is very rarely used and FS is frequently used.

Also AOA is outdated. AOA can’t use all the four types of relationships. It can use only FS relationship whereas AON uses all the four types of relationships.

Precedence Diagramming Method technique is used under the process Sequence Activities.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rolling Wave Planning

It is a technique which is used when the things are not so clear in the beginning of the project. As we progress the clarity will be better. Rolling Wave Planning technique is like iterative approach. The work to be carried out in the near future will be planned in detail and the work to be carried out later stages will be planned at a very high level. As we approach nearer to the later work will plan in detail. It is form of progressive elaboration.

Rolling Wave Planning technique is used under Define Activities process.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Variance Analysis

Variance Analysis technique is used to find the causes why we are deviating from the scope of the work by comparing the scope baseline which consists of Project Scope Statement, WBS and WBS dictionary with the actual performance. This variance analysis helps in recommending corrective and preventive actions.

Variance Analysis technique is used under the process Control Scope process.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Inspection is a technique to whether the output of the project/deliverable is meeting requirements/expectation. It is also called as reviews, audit, testing, walkthrough, etc…

Inspection is used as technique under Control Quality and Validate Scope processes. Also it is used under Control Procurement process with technique name as Inspections and Audits. But in general Inspection to be carried out throughout the project as part of Monitoring and Controlling process group as per the plan.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Decomposition is a technique used to divide the scope and or the deliverable in to small components where one should be able to manage it. When we divide the scope, we arrive at the work package. Work package is the lowest level of work breakdown structure. Further this work package will be decomposed to activity level.

Now the question is what is the meaning of manage? Manage means one should be able to estimate for schedule, cost and track the same. So the level of decomposition differs from project to project based on complexity in terms of effort. Typically 8/80 rule is used in general. The meaning of this is no work package should be less than 8 hours and no work package should be greater than 80 hours. So divide the scope in such a way that the work package should be in the range of 8 hours to 80 hours.

Decomposition can be done using box type or using tools like MS Project. Engineering projects uses ISO standards for decomposition. It is organization specific.

Decomposition technique is used under two processes. One in Create WBS and the other is Define Activities.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Alternative Generations

This technique is used to identify how better we can produce the project objectives. Some of the techniques under this are brainstorming which leads to ideas, lateral thinking, out of box thinking. For example Automation is one of the ways to execute project in a better way which may save time.

Alternative Generations technique is used under process Define Scope.

Product Analysis

This technique is used whenever the project output is product. Product Analysis can be requirements analysis, Value analysis, value engineering, product breakdown structure which results in tangible output or deliverable.

Product Analysis technique is used under process Define Scope.

Document Analysis

By analyzing the existing documents one can extract lot of information or requirements. To mention a few documents business plans, drawings, issue log, policy docs, law, regulatory documents, technical documents, RFP’s, use cases, etc…

Document Analysis technique is used under process Collect Requirements.

Context Diagrams

This technique is a visual representation which shows the interaction between the business system and the user. The business system can be process, device or equipment. The person (user) who interacts with the system will be called as “Actor”. Actor provides the input to the system and the system throws the output. This output will become the information for the Actor for further analysis.

For example, as an user (Actor) I want to know my Body Mass Index (BMI). I will provide the input, to system which can be a simulator, the height and weight. The system throws the output which is BMI. Using this BMI, I will decide what action should be taken. Either increase weight or decrease weight.

Context Diagrams is used under the processes Collect Requirements.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


It is a technique to gather information by comparing with existing product. This will help in getting new ideas and how to improve the performance of the current product. The comparison can be internal or external.

Benchmarking technique is used under the processes Collect Requirements and Plan Quality Management.

Monday, September 21, 2015


It is a technique to gather the information or feedback of the product developed based on initial requirements. The product which is in the demo stage or prototype or proof of concept stage will be shown to the stakeholders. Stakeholders will provide the input for further improvements if any. These inputs can be the final requirements which can be used for design or build phase.

This technique is very much suitable in Agile environment in the software development industry.

Prototypes technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


When the product is already in the market and if you want to improve the product, the stakeholders who can provide the input is users. Unfortunately these users may not be able to express the requirements or reluctant to provide the requirements. In this situation, better to use the technique called Observations. Here you just watch how they are using the product or the process. Through this you should be able to collect lot of information.

This is also called as “Job shadowing

Observations technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Questionnaires and Surveys

Predefined set of questions asked to identified stakeholders to gather the information quickly. It is more appropriate when the team is virtual.

Questionnaires and Surveys technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Group Decision Making Technique

This technique is used to generate, classify and prioritize the requirements which help in making decision about future outcome. This technique works in close with group creativity technique.

There are different ways how one can arrive at the decision. The methods followed will be in the order Unanimity, Majority, Plurality and Dictatorship.

Unanimity is nothing but all the stakeholders agrees for a particular action or requirement. Before applying unanimity, better to apply the anonymous. Anonymous is collecting the requirements from all the stakeholders in a different forum individually in secret. Anonymous is also called as Delhi technique. Once Delphi technique is achieved then unanimity becomes easier.

If unanimity is not working go for Majority. Majority is nothing but where more than 50% of the people are agreeing for the requirement.

Next is Plurality. When Majority is not achieved largest blocks in the group decides which is similar to elections in democratic countries.

Dictatorship is one individual makes the decision on the behalf of the group. This is used when none of the above helps.

Group Decision Making Technique is used under the processes Collect requirements, Validate Scope, Estimate Activity Durations and Estimate Costs processes.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Group Creativity Technique

This technique is used to collect and or to exchange information by involving many stakeholders. Some of the techniques under this category are Brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique, Idea or Mind mapping, Affinity diagram and Multi decision analysis.

Brainstorming is generating ideas. One idea generates another idea. Here just the ideas or the requirements will be collected and no voting is carried out.

Nominal Group Technique is the extension of Brainstorming. Here voting is used which helps in further brainstorming and also prioritization.

Idea or the Mind mapping is just a graphical representation of all the ideas which helps in understanding commonality and differences and can results in further ideas.

Affinity diagram helps in groups the ideas under different buckets so that this can help in further analysis.

Multi decision analysis is extension of all the above techniques which helps in analyzing from the risk angle.

Group Creativity Technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Facilitated Workshops

Facilitated Workshops technique is more of interaction between different stakeholders coming from different functions having wide range of expertise. This is more of cross functional than focusing on specific group.

For example Join Application development(JAD) will be used where the SME from different function and the development team will be participating to gather and exchange of information.

Facilitated Workshops techniques is used under the process Collect requirements, Define Scope processes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Focus Groups

It is a technique to gather the information from pre-qualified stakeholders and SME's to get their opinion and requirements in a specified topic. A moderator will be involved who make sure that this technique is more of discussions among the group rather than one on one.

This technique is used under the process Collect Requirements process.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Interviews is a technique to collect information either formally or informally from sponsor, SME, or any other stakeholders who can provide the information for the project. This can be one on one or with multiple stakeholders involved.

This technique is used for the process Collect Requirements process under Scope Management Knowledge area.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Change Control Tools

Changes are inevitable in the project. As a result of the change need, the change request will be raised. The change control tools helps in managing these change requests. The outcome of this change requests to be recorded and maintained. The change control tools helps in doing this. This also works in close with configuration management system which is part of PMIS.

This tool is used for the process Perform Integrated change control.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Analytical Techniques

Technique used to evaluate, analyze and forecast about different project variables. This result in getting potential results that may happen to the project.

Examples of analytical technique include root cause analysis, regression analysis, FMEA, EVM, Variance analysis, trend analysis, etc…

Some of the processes that use this technique include Monitor and Control Project Work, Close Project or Phase, Plan Schedule management, Plan Cost Management.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Management Information System (PMIS)

PMIS is a system which provides access to different tools used under project management for the team. It provides access to configuration management system, work authorization system, scheduling software tool, information storing and distribution, historical records and automated gathering of different KPI’s.

This tool is used under different processes like Direct and Manage project work, Monitor and Control Project Work.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Meeting is a technique to understand stakeholder’s information, opinion. It also helps in decision making, negotiation, influencing. From this technique we can see the interest, role, knowledge and the position of the stakeholders towards the project. Meetings can be face to face, virtual, formal, and informal.

This technique is used under processes like Identify stakeholders, Direct and Manage project work, Monitor and Control Project Work, Perform Integrated Change Control, Close Project or Phase, etc..

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis is a technique to gather information about stakeholder power, interest, influence towards the project. This is not only the stakeholders interest or power towards project but also other stakeholders(relationship). Stakeholder analysis can be done by performing grid analysis using power and interest factors. This results in different options which helps for Project manager to understand the stakeholder pulse towards the project. For example a stakeholder having high power and interest, he should manage or engage them closely. The stakeholders having high interest and less power, they should be informed about project status.

Using this technique one can also develop salience model. It uses three parameters power, urgency and legitimacy. This results in eight different types of stakeholders like demand, discretionary, dangerous, etc...

Stakeholder Analysis technique is used under process Identify Stakeholders process and results in Stakeholder register which is a project document.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Facilitation technique

Facilitation technique guides to get the best outcome for any process. The examples include Brainstorming, conflict management, problem solving, meetings. This technique facilitates to analyze the input to get the best possible output. For example during the Develop Project Charter process one can consider various inputs like Project SOW, Business case, Agreements, EEF, OPA and analyze them to document the elements such as high level risk, reason for the project, high level budget, etc which are part of project charter.

Expert Judgment

Expert Judgment is the judgment provided based on expertise from any of the area or discipline. The expertise can be for the technical, project management. The sources can be from any individual, organization, industry group, PMO, technical specialists, Subject matter expert(SME). They assess the inputs to get the output for any process.

For example the process "Develop project charter" uses inputs like business case, agreement, SOW, EEF, OPA. SME's uses these input/s to develop or provide guideline to develop the project charter which documents reasoning for starting the project, high level budget, high level risks, etc...

Friday, July 10, 2015


PMI tests with a few questions during CAPM and PMP examination related to Input, Tools & Techniques and Output. The better way of knowing this is by understanding the concept of how these components are interconnected. But for some of you it may be difficult to remember everything. Listed a few tips like change request is the input for only one process which Integrated change control process.

Please find the below link to download. This may be useful.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Resource leveling vs Resource smoothing

As we know Resource optimization is a technique under the Time management knowledge area. Resource optimization consists of two methods one is Resource leveling and the second is Resource smoothing.

Resource leveling is used when the resource is over utilized. For example if a resource is allocated for 16 hours in a day for an activity, after the resource leveling he will be allocated for only 8 hours on day 1 and rest 8 hours for day 2. The impact here is extension of the schedule.

Resource smoothing is used typically when the resource is allocated for multiple activities and who can work only a few hours on a particular day or an activity. For example a resource is allocated for 4 hours for an activity and 4 hours for another activity, that resource will be used for non-critical path activity where we are having floats. Hence there will be no impact on the schedule and may impact the free float or total float.

Resource leveling is one of the features under MS Project which you can experience it.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Different Audit types inside PMBoK

Let is understand different types of audits. The terminologies are important.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Work performance data, Work performance information and Work performance reports

Let us understand the three project documents namely Work performance data, Work performance information and Work performance reports.

Work performance data is the raw date which is being collected as part of measurements. Data is the output of executing. For example Planned Value, Earned Value and Actual Cost are Work performance data.

Work performance information is the processed data which will be the output of every control processes like control schedule, control cost, etc...For example Schedule Variance, Cost Variance are the Work performance information.

Work performance reports is the report which is used for project communication to stakeholders. The stakeholders are interested in reports and not the data. For example dashboard which indicates the status like Red, Green, Amber are the Work performance reports.

This concept has been introduced from Data-Information-Konwledge-Wisdom (DIKW) model. This is part of ITIL(Information technology Infrastructure Library)syllabus.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Control Quality, Validate Scope and their relationship

Control Quality and Validate Scope are the processes under Monitor and control Process group. Control Quality is part of the Quality Management knowledge area where as Validate Scope is under Scope management knowledge area. Let us see what these processes means.

Control Quality is to check the correctness of the deliverables which is the output of executing. This process is used to check the correctness of the Product. This is like internal testing. One of the technique is Inspection which means Testing, audit, review, walkthrough...If this Inspection is through then we can move towards Validate Scope process.The output of Control Quality process is Verified deliverables.The verified deliverables will be fed as an input to Validate scope process.

Validate scope is formalizing the acceptance of the deliverables. Who is going to accept the deliverable? Yes, Customer. Before calling the Customer we need to check is the deliverable working as per the requirements or not? That is why Control Quality will be performed before Validate Scope process. Validate Scope is something like User Acceptance Testing(UAT). Here too we are having Inspection as one of the techniques. The output of Validate scope is Accepted deliverables. Then we proceed for closing.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

PMP® exam is changing in 2015--Update: The PMP exam update has moved to 11 January 2016 to allow all stakeholders adequate time to prepare for this change.

Let me explain the changes that has been made to the PMP examination content outline which will be effective from after Nov 1 2015. The 5 domains which is mapped to 5 process groups Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling and Closing remains same. Under these domains some tasks has been added. In total there are 8 tasks has been added.

Domain 1---Initiating the Project

3 tasks added – task 2, task 7, task 8

Domain 2---Planning the Project

1 task added – task 13

Domain 3---Executing the Project

2 tasks added – task 6, task 7

Domain 4---Monitoring and controlling the project

2 tasks added – task 6, task 7

There is no addition of tasks under Closing process group/domain.

Here is the list.


# Identify key deliverables based on the business requirements, in order to manage customer expectations and direct the achievement of project goals.

# Conduct benefit analysis with stakeholders (including sponsor, customer, subject matter experts), in order to validate project alignment with organizational strategy and expected business value.

# Inform stakeholders of the approved project charter, in order to ensure common understanding of the key deliverables, milestones, and their roles and responsibilities.


# Develop the stakeholder management plan by analyzing needs, interests, and potential impact, in order to effectively manage stakeholders' expectations and engage them in project decisions.


# Manage the flow of information by following the communications plan, in order to keep stakeholders engaged and informed.

# Maintain stakeholder relationships by following the stakeholder management plan, in order to receive continued support and manage expectations.

Monitoring & Controlling

# Capture, analyze, and manage lessons learned using lessons learned management techniques, in order to enable continuous improvement.

# Monitor procurement activities according to the procurement plan, in order to verify compliance with project objectives.

Please refer to the following links to get the details for the information and to find the difference between existing and proposed examination content outline. Examination Content Outline_2010.ashx

The following tables provides the change in the percentage of questions in each of the process group and the changes in the exam content outline from the previous one.

This is latest update from PMI. Update: The PMP exam update has moved to 11 January 2016 to allow all stakeholders adequate time to prepare for this change. The current examination content outline remains till 11th Jan 2016 and the new examination content outline published during June 2015 will be effective from 12 Jan 2016.