Tuesday, September 22, 2015


It is a technique to gather information by comparing with existing product. This will help in getting new ideas and how to improve the performance of the current product. The comparison can be internal or external.

Benchmarking technique is used under the processes Collect Requirements and Plan Quality Management.

Monday, September 21, 2015


It is a technique to gather the information or feedback of the product developed based on initial requirements. The product which is in the demo stage or prototype or proof of concept stage will be shown to the stakeholders. Stakeholders will provide the input for further improvements if any. These inputs can be the final requirements which can be used for design or build phase.

This technique is very much suitable in Agile environment in the software development industry.

Prototypes technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


When the product is already in the market and if you want to improve the product, the stakeholders who can provide the input is users. Unfortunately these users may not be able to express the requirements or reluctant to provide the requirements. In this situation, better to use the technique called Observations. Here you just watch how they are using the product or the process. Through this you should be able to collect lot of information.

This is also called as “Job shadowing

Observations technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Questionnaires and Surveys

Predefined set of questions asked to identified stakeholders to gather the information quickly. It is more appropriate when the team is virtual.

Questionnaires and Surveys technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Group Decision Making Technique

This technique is used to generate, classify and prioritize the requirements which help in making decision about future outcome. This technique works in close with group creativity technique.

There are different ways how one can arrive at the decision. The methods followed will be in the order Unanimity, Majority, Plurality and Dictatorship.

Unanimity is nothing but all the stakeholders agrees for a particular action or requirement. Before applying unanimity, better to apply the anonymous. Anonymous is collecting the requirements from all the stakeholders in a different forum individually in secret. Anonymous is also called as Delhi technique. Once Delphi technique is achieved then unanimity becomes easier.

If unanimity is not working go for Majority. Majority is nothing but where more than 50% of the people are agreeing for the requirement.

Next is Plurality. When Majority is not achieved largest blocks in the group decides which is similar to elections in democratic countries.

Dictatorship is one individual makes the decision on the behalf of the group. This is used when none of the above helps.

Group Decision Making Technique is used under the processes Collect requirements, Validate Scope, Estimate Activity Durations and Estimate Costs processes.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Group Creativity Technique

This technique is used to collect and or to exchange information by involving many stakeholders. Some of the techniques under this category are Brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique, Idea or Mind mapping, Affinity diagram and Multi decision analysis.

Brainstorming is generating ideas. One idea generates another idea. Here just the ideas or the requirements will be collected and no voting is carried out.

Nominal Group Technique is the extension of Brainstorming. Here voting is used which helps in further brainstorming and also prioritization.

Idea or the Mind mapping is just a graphical representation of all the ideas which helps in understanding commonality and differences and can results in further ideas.

Affinity diagram helps in groups the ideas under different buckets so that this can help in further analysis.

Multi decision analysis is extension of all the above techniques which helps in analyzing from the risk angle.

Group Creativity Technique is used under the process Collect Requirements.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Facilitated Workshops

Facilitated Workshops technique is more of interaction between different stakeholders coming from different functions having wide range of expertise. This is more of cross functional than focusing on specific group.

For example Join Application development(JAD) will be used where the SME from different function and the development team will be participating to gather and exchange of information.

Facilitated Workshops techniques is used under the process Collect requirements, Define Scope processes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Focus Groups

It is a technique to gather the information from pre-qualified stakeholders and SME's to get their opinion and requirements in a specified topic. A moderator will be involved who make sure that this technique is more of discussions among the group rather than one on one.

This technique is used under the process Collect Requirements process.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Interviews is a technique to collect information either formally or informally from sponsor, SME, or any other stakeholders who can provide the information for the project. This can be one on one or with multiple stakeholders involved.

This technique is used for the process Collect Requirements process under Scope Management Knowledge area.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Change Control Tools

Changes are inevitable in the project. As a result of the change need, the change request will be raised. The change control tools helps in managing these change requests. The outcome of this change requests to be recorded and maintained. The change control tools helps in doing this. This also works in close with configuration management system which is part of PMIS.

This tool is used for the process Perform Integrated change control.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Analytical Techniques

Technique used to evaluate, analyze and forecast about different project variables. This result in getting potential results that may happen to the project.

Examples of analytical technique include root cause analysis, regression analysis, FMEA, EVM, Variance analysis, trend analysis, etc…

Some of the processes that use this technique include Monitor and Control Project Work, Close Project or Phase, Plan Schedule management, Plan Cost Management.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Management Information System (PMIS)

PMIS is a system which provides access to different tools used under project management for the team. It provides access to configuration management system, work authorization system, scheduling software tool, information storing and distribution, historical records and automated gathering of different KPI’s.

This tool is used under different processes like Direct and Manage project work, Monitor and Control Project Work.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Meeting is a technique to understand stakeholder’s information, opinion. It also helps in decision making, negotiation, influencing. From this technique we can see the interest, role, knowledge and the position of the stakeholders towards the project. Meetings can be face to face, virtual, formal, and informal.

This technique is used under processes like Identify stakeholders, Direct and Manage project work, Monitor and Control Project Work, Perform Integrated Change Control, Close Project or Phase, etc..

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis is a technique to gather information about stakeholder power, interest, influence towards the project. This is not only the stakeholders interest or power towards project but also other stakeholders(relationship). Stakeholder analysis can be done by performing grid analysis using power and interest factors. This results in different options which helps for Project manager to understand the stakeholder pulse towards the project. For example a stakeholder having high power and interest, he should manage or engage them closely. The stakeholders having high interest and less power, they should be informed about project status.

Using this technique one can also develop salience model. It uses three parameters power, urgency and legitimacy. This results in eight different types of stakeholders like demand, discretionary, dangerous, etc...

Stakeholder Analysis technique is used under process Identify Stakeholders process and results in Stakeholder register which is a project document.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Facilitation technique

Facilitation technique guides to get the best outcome for any process. The examples include Brainstorming, conflict management, problem solving, meetings. This technique facilitates to analyze the input to get the best possible output. For example during the Develop Project Charter process one can consider various inputs like Project SOW, Business case, Agreements, EEF, OPA and analyze them to document the elements such as high level risk, reason for the project, high level budget, etc which are part of project charter.

Expert Judgment

Expert Judgment is the judgment provided based on expertise from any of the area or discipline. The expertise can be for the technical, project management. The sources can be from any individual, organization, industry group, PMO, technical specialists, Subject matter expert(SME). They assess the inputs to get the output for any process.

For example the process "Develop project charter" uses inputs like business case, agreement, SOW, EEF, OPA. SME's uses these input/s to develop or provide guideline to develop the project charter which documents reasoning for starting the project, high level budget, high level risks, etc...