Monday, February 29, 2016

SWOT Analysis

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat analysis is a structured approach to identify the risks in the project. Identify strength and weakness. Leverage strength as an opportunity and weakness can be threat, come out of the situation. The strength and Weakness can be identified through brainstorming.

For example the strength can be availability of the funding. Make this as an opportunity for investing on team by providing training or competency development which helps in making the project success. Process is not in place is a weakness and this can be a threat for the final outcome of the quality product. Take different risk responses like mitigate/transfer to come out of the situation.

SWOT Analysis technique is used under Identify Risks Process.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Assumptions Analysis

Every project one way or the other starts with lot of assumptions. The chances of these assumptions may go wrong. Because these assumptions are derived based on historical data, experience, expert judgments, etc..These assumptions if it is wrong lead to the risk in the project.

Assumptions Analysis technique is used under the process Identify Risks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Checklist Analysis

Checklist Analysis helps in identifying if any of the missing factors which can be a risk in the project. In the risk breakdown structure the lowest component can be the checklist. The examples can be to check the assumptions, identifying or following up the reviewers of any specific document, etc.. If you bypass any of these it leads to risk.

Checklist Analysis is used under the process Identify Risks process.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Information Gathering Techniques

Some of the Information Gathering Techniques are Brainstorming, Delphi Technique, Interviewing and Root Cause Analysis.

Brainstorming is useful in collecting detailed information and useful in identifying risks. This can be carried out by involving experts by having a moderator and can be in an informal way or structured way. Brainstorming helps in out of box thinking and idea generation which helps in identifying risks.

Delphi technique is used to collect all the information in an anonymous or secret manner. A facilitator collects all the data from stakeholders in a different forum and shares the information with all the stakeholders without mentioning the names of the stakeholders just to avoid conflict of interest.

Interviewing is having discussions with project stakeholders, experts to gather the information.

Root Cause Analysis is finding out underlying causes of an issue and preventing future damages.

Information Gathering Technique is used under the process Identify Risks Process.

Documentation Reviews

While reviewing many documents like project files, agreements, any assumptions documented, quality plans, requirements helps in identifying the risk. It helps in checking the accuracy of information. This technique is a structured way of reviewing to identify potential risks.

Documentation Reviews technique is used under the process Identify Risks.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Performance Reporting

Performance Reporting is the collection of reports from stakeholders, comparing with expected results which are baselines, analyzing for variances and distributing back to the intended stakeholders. This can include the progress of projects, variances, dashboard, etc….

The format, frequency has to be understood from the stakeholders during the planning and accordingly need to be distributed. The reports may include, past performance, forecasting, status of risks and issues, work completed, work to be completed in the immediate future, change request status and any other relevant information.

Performance Reporting technique is used under the processes Manage Communications and Control Procurements.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Information Management Systems

The collection of different ways how the information is shared between stakeholders is called Information Management Systems. To list a few:

Hard copy documents like memos, letters, press releases, notes

Electronic Communication Management like video conference, fax machines, email exchange servers, audio conferencing, telephone, web pages

Electronic project management tools like scheduling tool, project management software tool, MS Project

It is part of PMIS.

Information Management Systems tool is used under the processes Manage Communications, Control Communications and Control Stakeholder Engagement

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Communication Methods

There are three types of Communication Methods: Interactive, Push and Pull.

Interactive communication: This is two ways and the stakeholders exchange information between them by face to face, video conferencing, instant messaging, audio conferencing.

Push communication: The sender broadcasts the message to the intended stakeholders. Even the message is distributed, there is no guarantee that the receiver received and or understood. Examples are email, memos, fax, blogs, voice mail.

Pull communication: The receivers retrieves the messages based on their convenience. Typically used for large files or for large audience. Examples are shared folders, e-learning, repositories.

Communication Methods needs to be understood from all the stakeholders and accordingly it is used.

Communication Methods technique is used under the processes Plan Communications Management, Manage Communications and Manage Stakeholder Engagement.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Communication Models

In the project sometimes language becomes the barrier in particular if the stakeholders are from different countries. So we need to bridge the gap hence, the Communication Models will be used. The Communication Model consists of different elements like Encoder, Decoder, Medium, Noise, feedback/response, acknowledge, Sender and Receiver. Here is the Communication Model explanation.

Sender: The one who send the message.

Encoder: The information is translated by the sender.

Transmit message: The information is sent through medium.

Medium: The mode/channel through which the message is conveyed. It can be email, fax, telephone, video conferencing, etc…

Decode: The receiver translate the message from sender to his/her understandable language.

Noise: Noise is compromised message and is inevitable. The examples can be unfamiliar technology, distance, culture difference, the technology itself and lack of background knowledge.

Acknowledge: The receiver confirms he/she received the message. But that doesn’t mean he/she is agreeing for the message.

Feedback/Response: The receiver again encodes the message and sends to the original sender about his/her thoughts. The receiver (original sender) decodes the message back to his/her understandable language.

Communication Models technique is used the processes Plan communications Management and Manage Communications.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Communication technology

The exchange of information among the stakeholders differs based on different conditions. During the planning stage the project manager has to understand the stakeholders needs like how the information to be shared. For example face-face, email, video conference, audio conference, etc… The technology whatever we use need to consider factors like urgency, project environment, availability of technology, how easy to use, sensitivity and confidentiality.

Urgency is how quickly the information to be shared and what the frequency is. This varies from project to project.

Technology availability is based on organization accessibility, compatibility and financial capability.

Ease of use is how feasible to use the technology and the stakeholders need to be educated about the use of technology.

Project environment includes culture, time zone, language, the preference like face-face or virtual.

Sensitivity and confidentiality of the information exchanged where security factor to be considered.

Communication Technology technique is used under the process Plan Communications Management.